
Knockout Whist


Whist is a simple trick taking game, played in pairs. The players sitting across from each other are a team and together they try to get as many tricks as possible. Dealing and starting. Each player gets dealt 13 cards.

  1. Knock Out Whist Rules
  2. Best Knockouts Ever
  3. Knockout Whist Online
  4. Knockout White Rose


This was the the first game I ever made, it was developed in Java as that was my strongest language at the time. Being my first game I decided to go with something relatively simple so I chose the card game ‘Trumps’ a.k.a. ‘Knock-Out Whist’, as this was a favourite game of mine from when I was growing up.

  • (1) The weekly whist held on Monday's in the Day Care Centre is always eagerly awaited. (2) It is based on whist and unlike many whist games is probably best suited for 3 players. (3) In the twentieth century, bridge has displaced whist as the most popular card game internationally among serious card players.
  • Whist Knock-out is a simplified variation of whist, which is often used to explain whist rules to children.
  • No of Players: 3 - 7: Cards to be dealt: Maximum of 9 cards but less with more than 5 players. Each player to receive the same number of cards. Stake: To be agreed at the start and placed.
  • Knockout Whist is a fun and fast moving member of the Whist family. Because of the excitement of the game and the simplicity of the rules, Knockout Whist is often played by children, but the game is also popular among adventurous players of all ages. This game is also commonly known is Reduction Whist, Diminishing Whist.

Total development time was in the region of 3-4 weeks, working on the game in my spare time. I learned a lot from the experience and found it extremely beneficial as it definitely consolidated a lot of the knowledge I had gained from my degree. It was also a lot of fun to do! The game is designed for a single player who must face off against 3 computer opponents in order to win the game. Below is a gameplay video of my playing the game.

The game is a lot of fun to play and has proven an invaluable experience. The game certainly lacks some visual flare but this was not the concern for me with this game. My aim was just to create a playable and fun game just to get started.

Knock Out Whist Rules


The Rules

Best Knockouts Ever

Card game where you knock

Knockout Whist Online

The basic rules are as follows, my rules are slightly different to the ‘official’ rules as this is how I used to play it:

Knockout White Rose

  • Each player is dealt a hand of seven cards.
  • The top card from the pile of remaining cards is turned over and it’s suit is selected as ‘trumps’.
  • Starting to the left of the dealer, each player takes it in turns to play a card.
  • When playing a card, players must follow the suit of the first card of the round if possible, if not they are free to play any card.
  • After each player has played a single card, the player who played the highest value card of the original suit wins the hand, that is unless a card of the ‘trump’ suit was laid. In which case the player who played the highest card of that suit wins.
  • Hands are repeated like this until each player has used all their cards. This is the end of the first round.
  • For the next round, each player is dealt one less card. The person who won the most hands last round gets to chose trumps after looking at their cards.
  • The winner of the game is the person who wins the final round (i.e. when each player has just a single card).
  • There is one more rule, which is key to the game. If a player ails to win any hands during a round they become penalised.
  • Penalised players are given a single card for the next round, regardless of how many cards they should be getting.
  • The penalised player can choose to play that card in any hand during that round, with the aim of winning just one hand.
  • If a penalised player fails to win any hands they are eliminated from the game.